I was just going through one of the boxes we had packed back up after the movers just half-assed put our stuff everywhere and was a big mess. As I was going through this box, there was a yellow three-prong folder and it said “Mariana” on the outside. So I decided to look inside. I already knew what the folder was but wanted to look anyway.
The folder was from the fall of 2004 while she was in school. It is mostly her artwork. There are a couple of pictures of her at school as well. When I have a chance I will scan the pictures in for everyone to see. I am so glad I have this kind of stuff but at the same time it makes me so sad. I made me miss her so much that the ache goes deep down in my heart.
I took the book, went to my room and laid it on our bed to be put away later. Then I went back into the other room and in the walk-in-closet is Mari’s long purple princess type dress I made for her for Keith’s sister Peggy’s wedding. I took the dress down and held it up like if Mari was still in it and just hugged it. I was trying to remember her being in it and how if she was still alive how far off the ground she would have been. It just reminded me of how incredibly little she really was and how incredibly missed she truly is now.
She would have turned 10 this past December yet she will always remain in everyone’s mind our 8½ little angel up in heaven. I still have a hard time understand why she is gone sometimes. I think every parent out there who has ever lost a child still thinks this no matter how long their child has been gone.
I realize that God works in mysterious ways and for whatever reason Mari’s time on this earth was done. It may not make sense to any of us but God understand more than all of us put together.
I still have to wonder why. Is it because of Mari’s severe autism and how she was becoming harder and harder to take care of everyday and Keith and I were not sure if we were going to be able to keep her safe from herself. I cannot remember how many times she either escaped out of the house to go on our roof or just go outside.
Or is it because God know she was very hard to deal with and it was becoming too much for Keith and I. I know we had no life outside of Mari but I would trade everything I have to have her back right now. However, maybe God felt that Keith and I were at a point to where we just could not take anymore. I don’t feel this way but only God knows.
Or was it because God needed me to be able to get through the loss of our beloved angel so that I could one day be there for other parents who have lost a child or other who have lost a loved one to let these people know that I truly understand what it means to lose someone you love with all your heart and soul.
Through my writing, I truly hope that I can touch many people’s lives and be there for those who are needed someone who is there to just listen or that my words can somehow help others out there. I know I want to write a book about Mari’s life. I would also love to talk to people at seminars or something like that to help others out there who need it.
I love you baby girl and Mommy misses you very much.
Love Mommy
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