The one good thing I have going for me is I am 5’7” tall. When people look at me they notice I have thin arms and legs and even my face and neck look thin. However, my belly and my hips, not so much. I just wear the right kind of cloths so that I look think than I actually am. Most people tell me they think I weigh around 140 to 150 (boy wouldn’t that be nice). It is where I would like to be. But unfortunately I am much more than that.
Keith was gone on his first trip this last week to Houston. He got back late, late last night (around 2am this morning). He is as unhappy with his belly as I am. We both used to be such skinny people. Not nasty skinny where all you saw is our skin and bones. But healthy skinny.
I used to weigh around 130 to 135 pounds up until I was about 24 years old. I had gotten out of the Army about a year prior and Keith was getting ready to get out of the Army. I ended up taking an administrative assistant job. In other words, a job where you basically sit down all day. Talk about a dramatic change in routine. Over that next year I gained around 20 to 25 pounds. I went from a size 9/10 to a 16.
I of course don’t ever want to be that thin again as I don’t think it would be as healthy for me now. However, I would love to weigh around 140 to 145.
So, Keith and I are actually going to get up early on a Saturday morning and go to a cycling class together. It will be nice to work out with the man I love. I know when I went the other day it kicked my hinny. But you know what, it was a good kick in the hinny. Now Keith gets to experience that himself. At least when we go this time I will be prepared with my own seat cushion cover for the seat as my derrière still hurts from the cycle class on Wednesday.