I sent her an email the other day telling her among many others that I know that I had created this website in dedication to Mari. When she found out she decided to call me right away but you could hear the utter disbelief, sadness, and heartache in her voice as she heard me talk about what had happened to Mari and how she is in heaven now. She finally got to the point where she just could not talk anymore because the reality of hearing about what happened to Mari was just too unbelievable and very hard for her to hear. We all just miss her so much and to know someone with a child that has died is more than most of us can bear to think about.
She then sent me something unexpected in the mail. She had asked me for my address but I just figured I would receive a card but I never imagined that she would have sent me what she did. She gave me a Willow Tree figurine. The angel she sent me was the Angel of Remembrance. What is neat about all of this is I have a very close personal friend who is like a sister to me. She has had a collection of these in her house since before I met her. I have always thought they were so special in what their meaning for each piece symbolizes.
She was the first to give me one. She had initially purchased one for Mari while she was in the hospital. It was called the Angel of Healing. Unfortunately she was never able to give Mari that angel because Mari passed away before she had the chance to. So she gave that angel to Keith and me. I know that Keith and I have so much healing to do as it will take us the rest of our lives to heal from the loss of our beloved angel who is now in heaven.
This angel my other friend gave to us is so precious to me because the meaning of its significance is so important for all of us. Who would ever have thought that the collection my friend had that I truly admired would one day be started for me in such a special way: to help us heal from the loss of our beautiful little angel Mari. Here is a picture of both of the angels:
I have another family friend whom I have known since I was five years old. She has always been there for my family throughout the years. She herself lost a son almost two years ago and she happens to be one of the few people I go to in my most lonely and sad times.
She also sent Keith and me a very special angel. It was hard for me to read what the angel says on the front of her but she signifies Mari and all that she has meant to all of us. She sits on my fireplace mantel along with the other two Willow Tree angels and her pictures. The hearts on the chain represent Mari in the middle with her birthstone and then Keith and I on both sides of her representing how we have always loved her and we have our arms wrapped around her for eternity.
Here are some other pictures that I have put on our fireplace mantel or on the wall dedicated to her:
Mari is so missed and the day we are reunited will be one special day.
We love you Mari and cannot wait to see you one day in heaven again.
Love Mommy and Daddy