"At the heart of it all, what matters most is:
Who has touched our lives and Whose lives we've touched.
"Touching Souls Photography, supporting parents whose babies or children die, relies entirely on donations and gifts from individuals and organizations. Donated dolars are used to support direct expenses for the photographs made for families. Photographs taken during this precious time with aprents and family become valuable mementos, serving as a gentle link to memories and feelings about their beleoved child. The collection of photographs, presetned reverently in an album at no charge to the family, is theirs to keep. The expense for this supportive service is approsimately $750 per family.
"Thanks to a partnership with MISS Foundations, a national non-profit whose mission is to support families after the death of a child, Touching Souls Photography is available to any family in need through tax-deductible contributions. Any gift amount is welcome and will help to provide this gift of photographs for a family at a time of great need. Make a donation to support families throughout Chicago and it's suburbs:
"Online: www.toddhochberg.com and click on make a donation.
"By mail: Send a check payable to MISS Foundation,
PO Box 5511, Evanston, IL 60204
"Or for more information, email funding@toddhochberg.com"
Keith and I just met with Todd today. It has been almost 18 months since Mari passed. January 16th will be exactly 18 months (which is this coming Saturday). This man gave of his services almost 18 months ago and took those last photographs with our beloved angel on her last day here on this earth with us. Yes, I know this was not really hear. However, it was the last time that any of us got to spend anytime with her before she went to heaven.
When I set and finalized the appointment last Tuesday, and then hung up the phone, it took me only a couple of seconds to realized what I had really just done. I had scheduled this special time to go see Mari's last day photos with us. It took all of about 3 or 4 seconds and I just broke down crying. I could not believe that in less than a week I would be seeing them. There was a couple of times over the last week I wanted to cancel the appointment. But something inside me said, "No, I need to see them." So I kept the appointment. Today at 2pm (central time) Keith and I met at a friends house (Mandy K., as she was nice enough to open her home to us so we could meet the photographer today). She left us to be alone with this photographer.
Yes I cried, but the overall dread of seeing the photos was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. To know now that I have these photos of her is even more special to me than I could have ever imagined. To put it in this perspective. Imagine taking the one person you love the very most in all the world. Now know you only have one day left with them on this earth and you will never see them again until you die some day. That could be the next day or it could be 50 years from now or even more. Now you have someone out of the kindsness of their heart who has given of their time to be able to take those last moments you have with that loved one. You will have them until the day you die. You won't look at them all the time but you can look at them when you need to. I guess this is the best way to describe these photos and what they mean to me.
He will be sending me a CD of the pictures soon. When he does I will put the photos in a PowerPoint presentation to share with all of you. In the mean time I will post a couple at the end of this post.
The reason I am sharing all of this with you is if you feel lead in your heart to donate, please contribute to this cause. Even if it is only $5, that $5 will mean the world to another family out their as they too will now have their own last minute photos of their own precious loved one, their beloved son or daughter.
I thank anyone in advance. If you do make a donation, please do it in Mariana Tunstall's name as a rememberance for her. Thank you.
I love you very much baby girl and mommy's miss you so much.
Love Mommy
Getting Ready to Give Her Her Final Bath
Washing Her Hair One Last Time
Mommy hold her hand
Mommy painting her fingernails for the first and last time
Mommy holding her while daddy looks on as she gets her hair done
4 y/o Cousin Faith reading the book she make for MarMar
Grandma and Grandpa T saying their final good-byes, with Daddy by their side
Aunt Amanda saying good-bye, Mommy hold her lock of hair
Her Wonder Pets friends keeping watch over her
Uncle Dave, Aunt Amanda, Aunt Peggy, Aunt Amy, and Uncle Ruben having their last moments
Mommy beyond herself with Daddy by her side as they are slowly taking her off life support with the PICU Chaplain Gretchen by our side
Gretchen praying
Daddy beside himself as he holds her hand
"We love you Baby Girl"
She is no longer on life support and now we are just holding each other as a family
I am completely numb as she is slipping in my arms
Daddy wispering how very much he loves her