To the man I love
You are my partner, my friend
You are the one I choose
to not live my life without
You have become my everything
I don’t know exactly when this happened
But you are why I am here today
You have shown me
what patience looks like
You have shown me what true
unconditional love really is
You have shown me that God
really does work in mysterious ways
Mari is gone and you are here
We are here
We are there for each other
in both the good days and the bad
When trouble comes you have been my rock,
my foundation which I stand
You have shown me faith
like no other could have
When we were at our lowest
you still turned to God
When most others would have
turned the other way
This is the picture of true love
Thank you for showing me
how to love like no other could have
On this earth we don’t know
when our time is up;
when it is our time
to go see the Lord
On this earth our time together
will seem like it can last forever
God only knows how long
this will truly be
The reality is no matter if we both live until tomorrow
or for another 50 years,
it is only a blink of an eye for God
The only thing we have is
eternity together beside our Lord
I can honestly say I would not
want it any other way
I love you Keith
I love you
Letting go
13 years ago
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