Thursday, November 20, 2008

Communication, How Hard Is It Really?

I wish I understood the secret to good communication. It does not matter whether it is verbal communication, silent communication, or through someone’s body language.

In marriage it is vital. Without good communication you basically have nothing. You basically have a lifeless marriage. The only way a marriage will survive is through good communication.

When you are grieving for the loss of your daughter you find out just how hard it can become to communicate between a husband and wife when the two are grieving so incredibly differently. One wants to talk about her all the time while the other never does. One wants to watch any video clips that either show her or you can just hear her voice and the other is just depresses them too much. One cries and the other never does. One’s way of coping is to talk and the other’s is to be intimate with one another.

They both love to sleep with the quilt that mommy made her on their bed everyone night or to bring it with them if they leave town as it helps them to feel a little closer to her. Mommy needs to have her favorite white bear that has different colors that light up when you push its paw.

It amazes me how two people who love each other as much as they do can grieve so incredibly differently. Trying to communicate to each other what the other one needs to grieve seems like it might be a simple task to do but that could not be further from the truth. Ultimately the love they have for each other does go deep and that in the end is what will bring the two back together in a common place so that both of them can live the rest of their lives in loving memory of their precious baby girl.

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