Monday, March 15, 2010

Paperwork Junkies

What, may you ask, is a “Paperwork Junky?” Well you might relate. It is those individuals who go out to check their mail, come back in the house and place it on the table (or where ever one might put their mail). It might get gone through right away or it might sit there and have other mail accumulate with it. If it gets gone through, the stuff that is obvious junk mail almost always gets thrown away. The other stuff more times than not will get put into a nice neat pile to get filed away for later. Or, you get paperwork from other locations (such as kid’s school documents, pet info, etc.) and you don’t want to deal with it right now so it also gets put to the side to deal with later. Then what ultimately happens is all these different piles of paperwork get put into a box to be gone through later to be put in their proper place. Then somehow the box gets put to the side and never gets gone through. Somehow, in the end, you have several boxes that all need to be gone through with paperwork after paperwork. So, are you a Paperwork Junky?

Let me proclaim, I AM A PAPERWORK JUNKY.

My husband and I also had what is called “Flat Surface Syndrome.” Have you ever heard of it? It is when you have a flat surface in your house, such as a table, end table, coffee table, desk, dresser, and the like, and it magically gets piled high with everything rather than getting put away where it belongs right away. I know that Keith and I are infamous for this syndrome. I know many people in our families also have this syndrome.

As I have been writing this today I have just been having this smile on my face as I sit and laugh at ourselves. The paperwork junky came about because Keith and I are getting ready to move down to Kentucky. When the Army comes in to move all of our stuff I want all the boxes of paperwork to have been gone through so that we do not take with us the things we don’t need and the other stuff gets put away where it belongs.

I wish I could say that I have overcome being a paperwork junky but I know that it will happen many more times in my life as life always has things that come up that are more important than going through paperwork all the time. But that is ok. As long as I am ok with it and Keith is ok with it that is all that matters.

If nothing else, I hope I have put a smile on your face today.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The dreaded deed has been done

It seems like recently everything has been going ok. I have been doing ok. We left on Thursday to go down to Ft. Knox, KY, because that is where Keith just received his order to report there in April. What we found out is that housing is of a valued commodity. We saw only 2 places, and those two may not even be available by the time we get down there. I guess it is what it is.

On the way back home on Saturday, Keith and I talked about how we need to seriously start thinking about getting a second vehicle (remember, he blew the engine in his car back in October). He started looking online Saturday night and found a used vehicle that he like for a little over six thousand dollars. The decided factor as to whether we seriously moved forward with buying another vehicle now or waiting until we got down to Ft. Knox, KY is how much money we got back on our tax return.

I was way too tired to start it that night so I went to bed. The next morning we headed off for church. We were home around 12 noon. I did not start it right away. Later that afternoon, I finally sat down, logged on to and signed in with our username and password (I have used them for several years now). Our information immediately comes up. And guess who, for some reason, is still sitting there in black and white: Mariana. I did not know what to do. I thought last year that once I put in that date she passed away that Turbo Tax, in its infinite wisdom, would have deleted her off for this year. But I was completely wrong.

I asked Keith, “Do I delete Mariana off?” He said, “I don’t know.” So I went through their little walk through help, but that did not help me at all. So, I ultimately just deleted her off. It felt so strange to have to just “delete” her.

I was talking to a friend last night who was truly trying to help and said that it was just the taxes and that we did not delete her per say but we were just updating our tax returns. I told her no, that is not it at all. It is like we are deleting her out of our lives. It may be hard for some to understand but in doing that simple little act of deleting her off our return is like losing her again. It makes it so permanent. It is almost like letting her go all over again. I know that she has been gone for over a year and a half but it is times like these that I miss her so much.

I love you baby girl and mommy misses you so much.

Love Mommy

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's that time of year again...

It’s that time of year again. That time of year everyone dreads yet some look forward to. What time of year is it you may ask? Well it is TAX TIME.

For most people this is just a time of year that is required by our federal government to report how much money we have made during the year and to try to find as many deductions as the IRS will allow to either pay the least amount of money possible, or, for those that are lucky, a refund.

Every year I would start getting all my documents together in January so that by the time February 1st came along I could immediately start working on them to get our refund back as quickly as possible. I used to love doing our taxes. I used to love the fact we would get a nice refund back every year. It was like a little savings account set aside for us.

However, this no longer applies for me. Last year will probably have been the most difficult of all. Last year when we filed our return I had to tell the IRS that Mari had passed away. Do you know how difficult that was to say that your one and only child is now gone. You actually have to report to the IRS the day she passed away. If you think about it, nothing is truly sacred to the government. But in a way, it was like it truly became official. Last year I waited until almost the last possible second to file. I simply did not want to do it at all.

This year is a little better. I am still not looking forward to doing it. When you go to fill out your forms, she is no longer sitting as a dependent. It is just Keith and I. It is put in black and white to show that she is no longer a part of our family, as far as the IRS is concerned. Sometimes it just makes it all too real.

Last year we almost had to pay instead of receiving a refund. We have not had to do that in years. Since the year Mari was born. Sometimes reality is just ugly. But we keep moving forward. I am sure that as time continues to move forward it will get easier and easier with each passing year. But for now, I simply do not look forward to it. (Beside, who in their right mind truly LOVES doing their taxes.)